It’s always a little scary when you attend a worship service at a new church. After all, you don’t know what to expect. Here’s what you should know about Sunday mornings at The Ridge.
Sunday School / Small groups begin at 9:00
We have a class or small group for everyone and invite you to get involved with a group. Here is a list of classes and small groups. Our classes and groups conclude at 10:00.
Worship begins at 10:15
Music: We sing several songs at the beginning of our service. Our music is a blend of contemporary, praise and worship, and traditional.
Children: Children from age 4 through grade 4 begin in the worship center. After the music portion of worship is complete, they may attend Children’s Church or remain with their parents. Classes for children, birth through age 4, are available during morning worship.
The Offering: Guests are not expected to give an offering. For Christ-followers, giving is an act of worship. We recognize that God has already given us His Son. And so, we give in response to what God has given us. Typically, folks send their offering by mail, schedule it through their bank, drop it in the offering box as they leave worship, or give online
A Word for Today: The pastor shares a message and teaching based on a passage of scripture. You are encouraged to find it in your Bible, take out your smartphone or tablet, pull up a Bible app, and follow along. You will also see slides that outline the main points of the day’s teaching on the large screen.
The Time of Commitment and Response: After the message is over, we will sing one final song together. This also serves as a time for us to pray individually in response to the message. It is also a time to respond publicly. Individuals or families may come forward for prayer, salvation, baptism, church membership, re-commitment to the Lord, or other responses.